Greenbury Park Architectural Guidelines

This pristine site location of this new community, the sister community to Greenbury, will encourage walkability, connectivity, and livability by providing its residents with ample trails, ravines, green space, and access to its unique amenities.

To appeal to today’s homebuyer, this community will offer a broad range of housing types with unifying architectural design elements and features. Innovative architectural guidelines will offer a revitalized, contemporary take on the familiar Alberta Prairie style – while adding West Coast Contemporary and Nordic to highlight the progressive nature of the community, infuse the exteriors with modernized detailing, and provide dynamic and interesting streetscapes.

The streets will provide recognizable comfort through traditional forms and massing, drawing on the individuality of its buyers to create a place where all types of homes and people exist happily, synergistically, and together to shape the community vision.

Scroll below to learn more about the Architectural Styles within Greenbury Park.

For specific Architectural Guideline enquiries please contact Cantiro Communities