Two New Schools in One at Keswick

The ONE at Keswick community is ecstatic about having two new schools inside the community for families to enjoy over the years, Joey Moss Public School  and The Joan Carr Elementary/Junior High School. Both schools officially opened in September 2022.

K-9 Public and K-9 Catholic Schools

  • Both schools are targeting to accommodate 950 students for a total of 1,900 new desk spaces.
  • The Joey Moss School (Public) is located behind Kostash Way at 1905 182 Street SW.
  • The Joan Carr Catholic Elementary/Junior High School is located on the green space along Keswick Drive at 1140 Keswick Dr SW.
  • Both schools will be easily accessible from the main street Hiller Road just outside of ONE at Keswick and will accommodate the following grades:
           – Kindergarten to Grade 8 for the 2023-2024 school year
           – Kindergarten to Grade 9 for the 2024-2025 school year
Joey Moss School Joan Carr Catholic Elementary/Jr High School

Designated Schools

ONE at Keswick features an abundance of amenities in and around the surrounding community including fantastic schools. Follow the links below for more information about the schools designated for Keswick Residents.

Edmonton Public Schools Designated

Edmonton Catholic Schools Designated

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