Cantiro Homes endeavors to take every precaution reasonable to protect and promote the safety of our employees, trade partners, and the public. Trade partners are expected to conduct their business in a manner so as not to put themselves, Cantiro Homes employees, or the public at risk.
A healthy and safe workplace is everyone’s responsibility. Your active participation and support are vitally important to maintaining and improving health and safety in our workplace. Please read this information and make sure you understand what is expected of you. If you have questions, talk to your employer, supervisor, or a Cantiro Homes Representative. We encourage your input-on safety-related matters and look forward to a successful and collaborative safe work environment.
Trade Partners on site will determine the necessary safety requirements, recognizing that they are responsible for the health and safety of their employees. They will demonstrate leadership and cooperation and ensure that the work they perform does not create hazards to others on the work site. All Trade Partners must ensure compliance with all applicable OHS Legislation and all other applicable regulatory requirements.
Trade Partners:
Cantiro Homes has general safety rules that everyone must follow.
Required PPE may include:
Please note that this is a Cantiro Homes minimum standard.
Trade Partner are responsible to ensure their own workers and Sub-Contractors follow Cantiro Homes PPE Policy. All procedures must be in accordance with the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Code.
It’s very important to keep the job site clean. Debris materials, equipment, and tools (including cables and cords) should be kept clear of workspaces and traffic paths to prevent tripping hazards. It is a requirement that a fire extinguisher is readily available, especially for Trade Partners working with open flames. It is the Contractors responsibility to ensure that proper maintenance of their fire extinguishers is being done as per OHS Code.
There must always be adequate lighting when performing work.
Housekeeping and Clean sites are an obligation and condition of the General Safety Agreement and must be adhered to.
Proper perimeter protection is critical to a safe work site. Guardrails and barricades must be set up to protect open floor openings, open edges, and scaffolding. Under no conditions shall perimeter protections or barriers be removed unless accessing the protected area is critical to the task at hand. When perimeter protection is removed, all floor openings must be covered and secured. Anyone who removes a protective barrier of any kind must replace that barrier before leaving the area.
The Occupational Health and Safety Regulation requires workers to use fall protection systems when they could fall from a height of 3 m (10 ft.) or more, or where a fall from a lesser height could result in serious injury.
The fall protection hierarchy must be used when choosing methods to eliminate or control fall hazards. The steps are listed in the order in which they should be considered.
Where fall hazards cannot be eliminated, permanent or temporary guardrails or handrails form a protective barrier around an opening or edge to prevent a fall to a lower level.
After eliminating fall hazards and installing guardrails, a fall restraint system is a next level in the fall protection hierarchy.
Fall restraint systems prevent you from falling through either travel restrictions or work positioning. With travel restrictions, workers are attached to a fixed-length line that prevents them from traveling too close to an opening or edge.
When it’s not possible or practical to use a fall restraint system, the next line of protection is fall arrest.
A fall arrest system (including a lanyard or lifeline, a harness, and, most importantly, an anchor) protects you after a fall by stopping you from hitting the surface below.
Trade Partners must be aware of the chemical hazards they are exposed to and must have a Hazard Communication program in place. This program should include copies of Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for the chemicals used on site. You must be able access to this information and should also be trained in how to read an SDS sheet.
Trade Partners and their employees are not allowed to bring any hazardous chemicals on the site without an accompanying SDS. Whenever a new chemical is brought on site, you should be sure that your supervisor is aware of it so that appropriate information can be communicated to the people on site, and appropriate SDS documentation must be forwarded to Cantiro Homes for inclusion to their SDS Database.
Trade Partners and their employees are responsible for the proper notification, care, use, storage and disposal of their chemicals or hazardous materials always.
In the event of an emergency, notify a Cantiro Homes Representative.
All Trade Partners should have a First Aid kit available. Additionally, First Aid supplies are available at all Cantiro Homes show homes & in their fleet trucks. If emergency medical services are needed, call the emergency personnel at the phone numbers provided to you, or call your supervisor.
OH&S and Cantiro Homes require our trades to report to us any near miss or incident that happens on our sites.
The objective of the Cantiro Homes incident investigation policy is to determine the root causes through examinations, observations, and inquiries from witnesses, and to implement corrective measures to prevent further recurrence. To prevent incidents and improve our safety performance by requiring the identification and correction of unsafe work practices and system deficiencies that could result in incidents that may injure an employee or trade.
Cantiro Homes Safety Policy states that:
Serious violations of these safety requirements could cause you and/or your employer to be removed from the site.